Sunday, October 5, 2014


I needed a copy of The Divine Comedy, and Kurt needed to get out of the house. I was also hoping to scout editions of Aquinas, but Barnes and Noble only had one edition. My shopping trip took way less time than I'd thought, so Kurt suggested we try a new restaurant. Sundays in Ann Arbor seemed very dead today. We decided to try The Melting Pot, again. It was our third try. Previously, we'd been left to rue that our lives don't often leave time for making reservations, but this afternoon there were plenty of tables, and we were seated in a very private booth in the back. 
We weren't sure what to order. Kurt went with his standard "see what they recommend" approach and I was feeling adventuresome. There is something about fondue forks that inspires confidence. We landed on an Old Bay Cheese Sauce, the Melting Pot House Salad, and Honey Orange Duck Breast for me, Filet Mignon for Kurt. The Old Bay Cheese Sauce was indiscreetly bitter, a fact the broccoli bits underscored unpleasantly, but the apples relieved nicely. The bread cubes were leaning toward some version of rye. I wouldn't want to eat them plain, and they didn't help the Old Bay Cheese Sauce. It was a disappointing beginning. The house dressing on the house salad was lovely, and restored our confidence. The salad was put together with care and flair, and I'm still kicking myself for not buying a bottle of the dressing. 
About the duck, I am working on a novel and I wrote a section about my main character preparing Duck a l'Orange. I've been up to my elbows in recipes and such. Honey Orange Duck Breast will never find me such an open target again.
We chose the Coq au Vin broth which came with potatoes and mushrooms and broccoli to round out our entree. Kurt's Filet Mignon was delicious. The potatoes soaked up the excellent broth and made it more fully heard. We skipped the broccoli, but enjoyed the mushrooms. We also skipped dessert, so I 
can offer no advice on that subject.
I am pretty sure we'll try this restaurant again. The staff was courteous and either well-trained or in the process of being trained. The atmosphere is equal parts romance and fun. It's a small thing, but the iced tea is good. Everything was clean and well managed. The third time certainly charmed.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about the Old Bay Cheese Sauce. As a Marylander, born and raised, I still can't resist the idea of an Old Bay anything. Our Old Bay Cheese Sauce was prepared by a trainee. I think in his nerves he may have added a lemon pit. Nothing bitters up a dish like a lemon pit. I once made a pot of Cream of Mushroom soup and accidentally dropped in a pit. The whole pot was a bitter disappointment. ;)
